In the Home tab, there are many functions that are available, to send announcements, adding videos, Support Tickets, pinboards, etc. to facilitate the user. The features will be vary based on the users in the EzInsights Platform. The Home page screenshot is shown below.
Manage Menus
This functionality used to Re-Organize application menus with drag and drop features. We have the provision to edit the text as well. Also, we can make the sheets as Sub sheets for the Parent sheet (by dragging to the right side).
This feature allows you to do the announcement with all the other users. The super admin and Power user have permission to create an announcement. To view the announcement, click on the Announcement on Home Page. The Announcement page is displayed.
This feature allows the user to collaborate with each other.
This feature helps to store videos and share them with people.
Pin Board
To view Pin Board, click Pin Board Icon on the Home Page. The Pin Board page is displayed.
Support Ticket
A support ticket allows you to directly correspond with the Support Representative. The support representative will respond to your ticket. The ticket is notified to the Super Admin.
The listed questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in the forum, and pertaining to a particular topic, video and etc.
The Support category is used to create a new type of support ticket for raising the ticket to the Admin. The created ticket type will be shown on the Support Ticket Page under the Category box.
An alert option is often used in the Admin wants to set any reminders or send important information to the users. For example, the server will be down on a particular date, then the Admin can set the alert to the users for the same. When an alert box pops up, the user will have to click “OK” to proceed.
The download option is mainly used to download the files uploaded by the Admin.