The EzInsights My Cards feature allows business users to view personalized insights and operate them to drive better business actions.
EzInsights My Cards feature
My cards in EzInsights help to visualize all of the user-created charts
- Give all detailed information about the chart
- Allows user to share charts with anyone in an organization or outside the organization
- EzInsights AI shows the narratives to the user that defines the chart analysis
- Allows the user to navigate to different tabs which he/she had created
- Allows user to download chart data in Excel file format
- Displays the applied filters and description of the chart
Steps to add NLP chart to the My Cards Page
In the Ez Search tab, you can use this feature to pin the chart that has been generated by doing the Ez Search.
You can find this feature on the top right- side of the screen.
How to add the Ez search charts to My Cards page?
1. Click on the My card tab in the top right side of the screen which is highlighted in the below screen
2. Once you click on the Icon, the below screen will be opened.
3. Click on Ez Search tab to save the chart in My Card panel which is highlighted in the below screen
4. Ez Search page will open, then select Ez Search panel to select application from drop down list which is highlighted in the below screen.
5. After selecting application, enter search term. Once the chart is loaded click on save to my card icon as shown in below screenshot
6. After clicking, the below popup window opens where you can create a new tab or use existing tab to save the chart.
7. In the below screenshot, under My Card a new tab is created and selected chart will be displayed.
8. You can share the pinned chart to the other users in the community by using the share option available in the chart.
9. After clicking share tab a popup opens where you can select any user to share your chart.

Milan Desai
Chief Technology Officer
Milan Desai has more than 20 years of industry experience in working with clients to solve business problems. Passionate about leveraging technology for improving the quality of life and optimize the use of resources. Currently, working on utilizing data to drive business decision making process and user understanding of key metrics that drive the organization and markets in general. Co-founder of EzDataMunch – the first BI Apps store in the world.