Why EzInsights AI?

EzInsights AI will be helpful in rapidly identifying hidden business data insights for our customers. You can use EzSearch to analyze your business data and obtain automated information when necessary.


Simple self-service experience for anyone


Based on AI-driven insights to learn fast results


Quick response on 10s of billions of rows and records


EzInsights AI empowers your business to fly. Anyone can ask EzInsights AI any question to find business insights and to drill into your company’s data infinitely within second.


Get Instant Insights for anyone within a team

Are you get tired with custom report from data experts? Now stop waiting EzInsights AI provides an instant answer ad-hoc data questions on the fly.


Set up in a minute

Now business analyst can save lots of time just setting up EzInsights AI in minutes, connecting their existing data, inviting their team, and leveraging BI-Solutions by EzInsights AI.

A New Generation of Business Intelligence

EzInsights AI is a fundamentally different approach to Business Intelligence. With EzInsights AI you explore data from multiple sources using everyday language. Just enter your queries in a search box to analyze your business data and get instant visual answers.

Automated alerts

Receive early warnings of key business incidents with comprehensive system notifications

100% Metrics Monitoring

Effortlessly Understand Your Data with Comprehensive Monitoring and Analysis

Step Up In Minutes

Know what, where and why things changed in your data

Share Instantly

Share your charts and dashboards with anyone


Through video analysis, chat, Posts and Forums

Predictive Analysis

Greater insights from 100+ statistical and predictive function

Quick and easy lookup

Browse or search through your tables, then filter things down to find just what you need.

Create Data-Driven Organizations by EzInsights AI

Create a powerful and well-prepared workforce by letting users explore data by themselves and giving instant and updated information anywhere, anytime.

Use plain language

To start exploring data just enter queries using plain language: “sales by product in the last month”.

Security at every level

Don’t want information to be available for everyone? We got you. Define levels of access to users and groups.

Voice or Text, it’s your choice

Whether you are at the office or travelling, always have easy access to data. Speak or type your queries to get instant answers.

Scale to your needs

One user or thousands, one data source or multiple assets. EzInsights AI adapts to organizations’ needs and still returns instant answers.

Visualize Instantly

Don’t waste time creating charts. EzInsights AI instantly presents the best way for you to visualize results and gives freedom to change it.

Always get accurate answers

EzInsights AI interprets your queries using Natural Language Processing and AI, analyses the data and returns a single answer.

Transform Your Business

Introducing EzInsights AI – Your New AI-Powered BI-Analytics Solution