In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the sharing options in EzInsights and give you step-by-step advice on how to share your insights with other decision-makers in your organization. You may be asking yourself what would be the benefit of sharing the chart with different users in the organization. The reason is simple… Charts and graphs contain important business information and will help various users of the department to take necessary and prompt action for business profit.
In today’s workforce, teamwork and collaboration are essential. Have you ever heard the saying about two heads being better than one?
In previous blogs, we have discussed the features and working of My Card in EzInsights. We will now discuss sharing them with others in your organization.
Steps to share chart to the user
1. Login to the EzInsights portal, then click on the My Card menu from the left panel which is highlighted in the below screen and select the application form menu tab from which chart is to be shared.
2. Select the Application Form menu tab, then select the chart you want to share. Click on the share icon as shown in the image below.
3. After clicking on the share icon, the pop-up screen opens as you can see in the below image where you can search the user’s mail id. Select the user you want to share the chart by clicking on check box, then click the Share button to share the chart
4. After clicking on share button, the below shared popup window opens
5. After the chart is shared with a business user, the chart starts displaying in the selected user account which is highlighted in the screen below

Milan Desai
Chief Technology Officer
Milan Desai has more than 20 years of industry experience in working with clients to solve business problems. Passionate about leveraging technology for improving the quality of life and optimize the use of resources. Currently, working on utilizing data to drive business decision making process and user understanding of key metrics that drive the organization and markets in general. Co-founder of EzDataMunch – the first BI Apps store in the world.